Tag Archives: Garden

In Search of a Horihori….

In Search of a Horihori….

IMG_8171I have it on good advice that a Japanese horihori is an essential to have in one’s garden tool collection.   Based on the recommendation of the incredibly knowledgeable Judy Elliot of Denver Urban Gardens, I learned that a horihori is something every well equipped gardener needs to have.     Judy raved about the horihori’s ability to dislodge deep rooted weeds and ease at working the soil around one’s plants.   Sheathed to her belt at a section of our organic gardening class, Judy showed off the  new horihori she’d just acquired at Birdsall’s on South Broadway to replace the one she’s lost in her garden last summer.   She suggested that marking the tool with a bright ribbon or duct tape would make it easier to find among the plants.   She also advised investing the $40 for an authentic Japanese tool rather than a cheaper knockoff.

So, after getting out of class that stormy afternoon, I headed straight to Birdsall’s.   Judy had made her case and I was going to buy one before my other classmates got there first.   Unfortunately, the shop had closed early due to the storm.     After several more tries,  I finally got in the door.   Upon arrival, I grabbed the second to last horihori first and then, enjoyed a lovely tour of this upscale garden shop.

I appreciated the opportunity to explore Birdsall’s and see all the wonderful pots, fountains, garden art, outdoor furniture and pleasant outdoor design ideas they featured.   What a fun place to visit!   With a friendly, helpful staff as well.    Here are some photos from my leisurely stroll around the indoor and outdoor display areas.

Birdsall & Co., Home and Garden Collection, 1540 South Broadway, Denver, CO   80210.   303-722-2535.   Asst. Manager Stephanie Tardiff was very helpful.   303-722-2535.

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